There is more savings to be had on in-network claims
3 Step Process for Maximum In-Network Savings
Upon receiving the medical bill and itemization (if available) from our client, HealthGathered performs a preliminary review of the documentation to determine
Historical Negotiation Success
CFO Level Contact
PPO Discount/Repricing Information
Potential Billing Errors
Potential Billing Overcharges
Claim Negotiation Strategy
Once the negotiation strategy is determined, HealthGathered contacts the provider and schedules a call or web meeting to review the medical bill. The following is reviewed
PPO Discount
Potential Billing Errors & Overcharges
Potential for an Official Audit
Expedited Payment Opportunity and Terms
Shared Savings for Member
Once the provider has agreed to a settlement amount, HealthGathered prepares and sends a short but thorough Single Case Agreement which covers
Key Elements of Medical Bill
No Balance Billing Condition
Acceptance of Negotiated Amount
Expedited Payment Terms
Waiver of Medical Bill Audit
Payment Remittance Information